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  Language Services
English Translation, Japanese Translation, Korean Translation, German Translation, French Translation, Russian Translation, Spanish Translation, Portuguese Translation, Italian Translation, Arabic Translation, Dutch Translation, Turkish Translation, Thai Translation, Malay Translation, Bahasa Indonesia Translation, Persian Translation, Vietnamese Translation, Greek Translation, Hindi Translation, Urdu Translation, Swedish Translation, Danish Translation, Polish Translation, Czech Translation, Filipino Translation MORE >>
  Industry Solutions
Bidding documents, Contract translation, Real estate brochures, Thesis translation, Website translation, Engineering translation, Machine translation, Electronic translation, Certificates translation, Construction translation, Advertising translation, Chemical translation, Medicine translation, Financial translation, Communications translation, Software translation, Automobile translation, Finance translation, Legal translation, Electrical translation  MORE >>
Price of services  


1.Written translation:

English Japanese / Korean German/French/Russian



EN to CN

CN to EN

J / K to CN

CN to J / K

G / F / R to CN

CN to G / F / R

I / S / P / T to CN

CN to I / S / P / T

A foreign language to Another's

120-180 150-200 170-230 190-250 230-330 250-350 280-380 350-450 280-800
Rated per: RMB/ 1,000 Chinese words / characters
A.  Customers with large-quantity and long-term translation demands will be charged at mutually agreed prices
B. Charges on short documents: Short documents with less than 500 words will be charged as 500 words ; Do-cuments with 500 ~ 1,000 words will be charged as 1,000 words ; Documents with more than 1,000 words will be charged per actual words
One-station services: Additional charges will be made at further negotiated rates if page layouts are complica-ted or documents need to be re-designed, or drawings / table sheets have to be added. Our company is flexible to provide customers with high-class design, printing, and binding services according to customers' require-ments
Should customers place special page layout requirements, page layout charges will be additionally made per specific conditions like page layout difficulty, etc
Written translations for website localization and software localization will be charged at negotiated prices according to specific requirements. Our quotations are flexibly based on concerned disciplines, difficulty, quantity, lead time, and desired translation formats of the original documents, etc. Our price rates are listed only for reference, and actual prices shall be determined after further inquiries. Please contact us by phone or email for consultation, detailed official written quotation sheets will be provided according to our review of your specific documents
F. FOC document pickup and delivery within city area, FOC express delivery, FOC supply of hardcopy / softcopy translation documents, FOC stamping service with our company seal
Words counting method:
A. Counting method for Chinese words: MicroSoft Word Menu Tools Words Counting Words (excluding spaces)
B. Counting method for foreign words: MicroSoft Word Menu Tools Words Counting Non-Chinese Words
C. Should electronic copies are not available, total words will be the product of average line words and average column words
Category Mutual interpretation between Chinese and English Mutual interpretation between Chinese and Japanese, Korean, French, German, Russian Mutual interpretation between Chinese and Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai Other language variety
Common activity, exhibition, tour 700-1,000 RMB/person/day 1,000-1,500 > RMB/person/day 1,300-2,000 RMB/person/day 1,800-3,500 RMB/person/day
Technical exchange, commercial negotiation 900-1,500 RMB/person/day 1,300-1,800 RMB/person/day 1,500-2,500 RMB/person/day
A. One interpretation day means 8 hours/day/person
B. Service time less than 4 hours will be charged as 4 hours; Service time between 4~8 hours will be charged as 8 hours
C. Should overtime interpretation is needed, overtime charges will be made; Should business trips are necessary, customers shall be responsible to pay the costs of transportation, foods and accommodation incurred to interpreters
D. Prices of the interpretations involving special disciplines and minor languages are subject to further negotiations.
3.Simultaneous interpretation
Category of simultaneous interpretation Mutual interpretation between Chinese and English Mutual interpretation between Chinese and Japanese, Korean, French, German, Russian Mutual interpretation between Chinese and other minor language variety
Hour rate Day rate Hour rate Day rate Hour rate Day rate
Common meetings 1,000-1,200 5,000-6,000 1,100-1,300 6,000-8,000 > 1,300 7,000-9,000
Professional /Senior seminars 1,200-1,500 6,000-8,000 1,200-1,400 7,000-9,600 1,300-1,500 8,000-15,000


A. Customers are supposed to make one-week advance appointment with us for simultaneous interpretation services
B. One interpretation day means 8 hours/day/person, overtime interpretations are charged at 1,000 RMB /person/hour
C. Interpretations on business trips are additionally charged by 20%, customers shall be responsible to pay the costs of transportation, foods, accommodation and safety incurred to interpreters, etc
D. Prices of the interpretations involving special disciplines and minor languages are subject to further negotiations
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